jeudi 11 février 2010

Google Buzz button for Blogger blogspot - Buzz it

Google buzz button for Blogger, buzz it for Blogger blogspot, buzz it

Today, I am happy to give you a piece of code that I've just release to help bloggers having  a blogspot blog to enjoy the new google service, Google Buzz. This widget is based on the one made by Andrew Brett for TechCrunch, derived from a button used to share an items on Google Reader.

To have the Buzz it button  in your blog, just login your Blogger account, goto Layout > Edit HTML > and check "expand widget" and put this piece of code before <p><data:post.body/></p> or <data:post.body/>

<a expr:href='&quot;; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title' expr:onmouseout='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(\&quot;sbtxt&quot; + + &quot;\&quot;,0);&quot;' onClick='return buzzPopup(this, &apos;Buzz this&apos;)' rel='nofollow'><img src=''/>Buzz it</a>

When clicked, the button will send the visitor to his Google reader account to share the post.

buzz button share via google reader

When done, the post shared will be viewed by him and his Google Buzz followers.

post shared via buzz it button showed in Google buzz account

I wish you'll love this Google Buzz button for Blogger blogspot, so Buzz it.

2 commentaires:

  1. Now,we can add google buzz with a counter
